Ironically, as I wrote the title to my new page, attempting to pay homage to "Tuesday's with Morrie," I realized I nicknamed myself "MarMe", which reminds me of what the girls in "Little Women" called their mom. It happens to be one of my all time favorite movies.
Anyhoooo, back from the whirlwind that is my mind.... I have a few thoughts to share this morning.
- I'm sooooo very tired, SLEEPY and won't for the life of me go back to sleep. My mind will not just SHUT UP so I can sleep. Maybe staying up till 3 am didn't help when I knew dern well that I had to get up at 6 am to get the McKids off to school on the bus this morning. Just a thought. (Yes, d-e-rn, I know it's misspelled but it just has a better ring that way. ;-))
- The McDaddy is off for his two week Reservists duty. What does that mean for us? Two weeks without a Daddy or a car. ((((SIGH)))) Having one car really sucks sometimes.... who am I kidding, it sucks ALL the time. Urgh. Lord PLEEEEEEEEEASE provide our family with a second vehicle (van/suv) that fits our entire family (with some extra room), is reliable, safe to drive and if at all possible, fun to drive and by some form of a miracle PAID OFF.
- The McFishies have some form of a fungal infection. Poor Scarfish has been holding on for weeks now meanwhile his broke human mama can't do a thing for him. Uuuuurgh, hate seeing any creature suffer (unless it's a spider or roach... but that's a whole other story).
- This economy is killing me... need help. Calling on Jesus.
- Plastic, Plastic, PLASTIC!! It's everywhere. You know, the more you read, research and learn, the more you end up wanting to scream. Take a look at this article, "5 Ways to Keep BPA Out of Your Food," and we'll chat more about it in a later post. But in the meantime, guess what?? I went on a plastic raid in my kitchen and dumped most of it. I will eventually weed the rest out. Oh and the McKids now have glass bottles for their water. I'll see how it goes. I threatened their very existence this weekend and this morning about not playing with the bottles, kicking or dropping their lunch bags, or letting anyone else do any of the afore mentioned things. Yes, I know you're thinking about the whole aluminum bottles rave, but those are a whole other evil. "What about the steel ones?" you say. Well, that would be nice but then they cost an arm and a leg and water sitting on metal for hours on end doesn't sound too "Kosher" to me either. Like I said, I'll see how the whole glass bottles thing goes this week and since health and toxins is a HUGE issue for me we'll have to chat more about it later.
- Got to give the McDoggy a bath today.....((((((((((((((((SIGH)))))))))))))))). My spine is seizing up at the mere thought of it. (She won't be too thrilled about it either. Refer to the "Nah ah, not me" face above. lol!)
- I have so much to do today but I will not let it get me down. One thing at a time.... one accomplishment at a time.
Great post Marthe, didn't realize you were blogging. I get to peak into your lives again!